Pg 186 "Her strength is revealed as much in her restraints as in her responses, and her dignity as much in her humility as in her integrity." Like the Proverbs 31 woman, Esther gives us a high standard to strive towards as women.
She's not in the first chapter nor the last yet her influence continues to this day. After I'm gone, who will I have influenced while living that will continue on.
Her story should give us all hope, triumphant hope in God.
Pg 188 "Vashti is no longer queen; Esther is queen. And she is a queen who has won her husband's overwhelming respect and loyalty."
Pg 189 3 Principles found
1. "When God wins, the people He uses are often unexpected." Humility is "an attitude of the heart." Phil 2:3-4
2. "When God wins, the qualities He upholds are usually unpretentious."
3. "When God wins, the message He honors is a universal message."
It kind of makes me sad that this is the end of the story. It doesn't go on to tell us if she had children and other ways she was effective. It's like the story has been cut short, but God told the part of her story that needed to be told and retold. Her story serves as a reminder to the Jews of how a Jewess living in exile rose to become queen and allowed an unseen God to move her and the people in her life in order to make a way for His people. This story is like when I read Emilie Richards books or Sue Grafton's books -- I feel like I've gotten to the know the characters personally and will miss them once I close the book. I know that I will glean even more in Beth Moore's Bible study which will start on 1/18, so I won't mourn for long.
Dear Father,
I truly want to be a vessel you can use. I pray that I have the humility, dignity and strength of Esther. Mold me and make me into the godly woman you would have me become. Lord, I want to teach these ladies and do things in this class that they will remember long past the last class. I want to encourage these women where they are, and I know I can only successfully do that through you. Please use me. I pray for each woman who will make it her goal to be there every week. I pray that this Bible study will be food for her soul. Lord, I also pray that we will be allowed to have the Sunday morning kick-off and that we can use this time to edify you and entice the women to come and participate. Please speak through me and my mom. Give us wisdom and discernment. Lord, thank you for answering prayers and being in control even when we can't see you, feel you or hear you. Thank you.
She's not in the first chapter nor the last yet her influence continues to this day. After I'm gone, who will I have influenced while living that will continue on.
Her story should give us all hope, triumphant hope in God.
Pg 188 "Vashti is no longer queen; Esther is queen. And she is a queen who has won her husband's overwhelming respect and loyalty."
Pg 189 3 Principles found
1. "When God wins, the people He uses are often unexpected." Humility is "an attitude of the heart." Phil 2:3-4
2. "When God wins, the qualities He upholds are usually unpretentious."
3. "When God wins, the message He honors is a universal message."
It kind of makes me sad that this is the end of the story. It doesn't go on to tell us if she had children and other ways she was effective. It's like the story has been cut short, but God told the part of her story that needed to be told and retold. Her story serves as a reminder to the Jews of how a Jewess living in exile rose to become queen and allowed an unseen God to move her and the people in her life in order to make a way for His people. This story is like when I read Emilie Richards books or Sue Grafton's books -- I feel like I've gotten to the know the characters personally and will miss them once I close the book. I know that I will glean even more in Beth Moore's Bible study which will start on 1/18, so I won't mourn for long.
Dear Father,
I truly want to be a vessel you can use. I pray that I have the humility, dignity and strength of Esther. Mold me and make me into the godly woman you would have me become. Lord, I want to teach these ladies and do things in this class that they will remember long past the last class. I want to encourage these women where they are, and I know I can only successfully do that through you. Please use me. I pray for each woman who will make it her goal to be there every week. I pray that this Bible study will be food for her soul. Lord, I also pray that we will be allowed to have the Sunday morning kick-off and that we can use this time to edify you and entice the women to come and participate. Please speak through me and my mom. Give us wisdom and discernment. Lord, thank you for answering prayers and being in control even when we can't see you, feel you or hear you. Thank you.
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